Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture is an ancient method of helping the body to heal itself. Sterilized, very thin stainless-steel needles are inserted into the specific points on the body in order to bring the body to the state of balance so healing can take place. Those points have been identified by the Chinese over 2000 years ago and successfully used to treat a variety of illnesses.
Chinese medicine has evolved over thousands of years to include a wide variety of mind and body treatments, such as herbal medicine, massage, and acupuncture.
What these treatments have in common is their acknowledgment of the body and mind as one cohesive unit, rather than many separate parts.
Qi (Chee) is the term used in Eastern medicine to describe the vital energy that flows through the body.
Chinese medicine offers various tools to help restore the balance of Qi, so it can flow freely and maintain optimal physical and mental health.
Cupping is a technique where a glass or plastic cup is suctioned on the body. This technique stimulates circulation, breaks up obstructions within muscle layers, and relieves swelling. Cupping is used for many conditions, including back, shoulder, and neck pain, muscle tension, injuries, and common colds.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medical treatment when the skin is scraped to produce therapeutic petechiae. The smooth edge of an instrument is placed against the skin, pressed down firmly, and then moved along the muscles or acupuncture meridians. Gua Sha promotes normal circulation and healing. It is valuable in treating pain, upper respiratory conditions, and many acute or chronic disorders.
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